Helping you and your spouse with your relationship through faith-based marriage and relationship coaching and counseling

You can build a strong relationship through faith; and deepen the spirituality of both the individual and the couple by making Christ the cornerstone of the marriage.

By making Christ the cornerstone of your marriage, you will be able to strengthen the communication, commitment, and respect within your marriage through a focus on gratitude and love. There is no better way to leave a legacy for your children than to do the work that it takes to live out your wedding vows daily. That takes help daily from God, and sometimes from someone like me.

Here are some of the things that I can assist you and your spouse with

• Free 15-minute consultation

• Coaching via phone or zoom

• Audio & Video

Seminars -Coming Soon!

Hi, I'm La Jana!

True to my personal experience and the numerous biblical counseling courses I've undertaken over the past twenty-five years, I've dedicated the last two decades to coaching and aiding individuals in navigating issues of separation, divorce, and the underlying causes such as infidelity and unhealthy disorders. My approach, rooted in faith and devoid of judgment, aims to provide couples with the chance to discern God's path and mend their relationships.

Would you like to connect?